A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: 
Having something certain is much better than taking a risk for more, because chances are you might lose everything.
 Лучше синица в руках чем журавль в небе.


A blessing in disguise: 
Something good that isn't recognized at first. 
  Нет худа без добра.


A chip on your shoulder: 
To blame other people for something bad that has happened to you in the past and continue to be upset about it. 
 Носить груз обид, обвинять других в своих бедах.


A dime a dozen: 
Anything that is common and easy to get.
 Полным-полно, пруд пруди. 


A doubting Thomas: 
A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in order to believe something.
 Фома неверующий, недоверчивый человек.


A drop in the bucket: 
A very small part of something big.
 Капля в море.


A fish out of water: 
To feel awkward due to a specific situation.
 Как рыба без воды. Не в своей тарелке.


A fool and his money are soon parted: 
It's easy for a foolish person to lose his money. 
 У дурака деньги долго не держатся.


A house divided against itself can not stand (Mark 3:25) 
Everyone involved must unify and function together or it will not work out. 
 Дом, разделенный на части, не может устоять.


All roads lead to Rome: 
Variety of methods will yield the same result in the end.
 Все дороги ведут в Рим.


A leopard can't change its spots: 
You can not change who you are.
 Горбатого могила исправит.

Apples and oranges: 
The items that can not be compared with each other.|
 Aбсолютно разные вещи.

A penny saved is a penny earned: 
By not spending money, you are saving money.
Копейка рубль бережет.​​​​​​ 

A picture paints a thousand words: 
A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.
 Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать.

A piece of cake: 
A task that can be accomplished very easily.
 Пара пустяков, лёгкое дело.

A slap on the wrist: 
A very mild punishment.
 Чрезвычайно мягкое наказание, легко отделаться.

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor: 
Harsh conditions and challenging experiences of life make a person tougher and more capable.
 Человек становится сильным лишь только тогда, когда возникают трудности и препятствия.

A taste of your own medicine: 
When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others.
 Расхлёбывать кашу, которую сам заварил, отплатить той же монетой.

A toss-up: 
A result that is still unclear and can go either way.
 Вилами по воде писано, сомнительное событие. 

Actions speak louder than words: 
It's better to actually do something than just talk about it.
 Дела красноречивее слов, дела говорят сами за себя.

Add fuel to the fire: 
Whenever something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is.
 Пoдлить мacлa в oгoнь, paзжигaть cтpacти.

Against the clock: 
Rushed and short on time.
 В короткий срок, в предельный срок.

All bark and no bite: 
When someone is threatening and/or aggressive but not willing to engage in a fight.
 Собака, что лает, редко кусает.

All Greek to me: 
Meaningless and incomprehensible like someone who can not read, speak, or understand any of the Greek language would be.
 Для меня как китaйcкaя гpaмoтa, что-либо coвepшeннo нeпoнятнoе.

All in the same boat: 
When everyone is facing the same challenges.
 В одном положении, в одной ситуации.

An arm and a leg: 
Very expensive. A large amount of money.
 Баснословные деньги.

An ax to grind: 
To have a personal dispute with someone.
 Преследовать личные или корыстные цели.

Apple of my eye: 
Someone who is cherished above all others.
 Зеница ока, свет очей моих.

As high as a kite: 
Very happy and excited.
 На седьмом небе.

At odds: 
At variance, in disagreement or dispute.
 Иметь разногласия.

At the drop of a hat: 
Willing to do something immediately.
 Не успеешь и глазом моргнуть.